Thursday morning at 9:15 we set out to Mississippi with a dear friend Christy, her daughter Bailey, Caroline, Lauren, Jamie and myself aka the driver! Nana was so sweet to let us borrow her Tahoe so would not have to drive two vehicles. (Thank you Nana, Glad it made it back without any scratches) I only wish I would have taken a picture of the car loaded down! Believe me when I say I packed light (Jamie and Caroline shared and bag and Lauren and I shared a bag, we had a toiletry bag, swimming bag, makeup bag, DVD bag and Lauren had a backpack! Oh and my pillows, I have two and Jamie has one we NEVER leave home without them!
Look at those two in the backseat! They were so good at traveling!
Lauren kept us laughing the whole way!
Thank you Lauren!
(She asked Christy while we were on I-10 if she was kin to a Dick Russell) lol!
(Also a semi load of cattle passed us on I-10 and she prayed for them to have a good day) lol!
Lauren and Christy had to stop to empty their bladders! The little girls didn't even have to go! lol and I know their bladders are smaller than Lauren and Christy's
Jamie offered some sour gummy worms! The car went wild!!!
Peanut Bladders!
Alabama the Beautiful!
(Home of Sara Evans is what I think when I think of Alabama!)
We stopped in Alabama at Starbucks for some caffeine!
Jamie was good and just drank Good Old Water!
Lauren keeping us laughing! Drinking a Strawberry Cream Frapp
The girls got Birthday Cake Pops!
Mobile USS!
Oh yea baby! Love us some STARBUCKS!
I hate the tunnel! However the rest of the passengers Love it!
We honked the horn and cheered all the way through it!
Next State! Mississippi!! Almost there!
My Favorite Place to eat! NEWKS! Only one in the state of Florida! Wish I had 1 million laying around I would open one up in Gainesville! It is delicious!!
My poor family and Christy had to eat here ever night! Sorry however I warned you!
Super sweet friend we met! Loved getting to talk to her!
She even got us both a red bowl to take home!
However even with my salad at home in the red bowl it still wasn't as good as Newk's
We made it to the Beau!! yea!
Love this beautiful flower arrangement!
Jamie with two little girls who are ready to jump on the bed!
Super Sweet Girls! They were so good on the ride!!
I Love you girls!
Oh Yea!!
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed!
Little swimmers!
pool jumpers!
Can you say rotten?
This picture made me realize how much my baby girl is growing up!
Lauren you are beautiful inside and out!
The Terrace downstairs!
The best chicken noodle soup I have ever had!
love the chicken strips and honey mustard!
taking a bath in the huge tub!
My dream home!
Jamie's dream home!
Picking up shells
(or glass, or rocks, or bottle caps)
Relaxing by the pool with an ice cold coke!
Checking Fox News!
Laying out relaxing by the pool! It doesn't get any better than this!
Lauren Anne
Caroline Anne
Going out to dinner! Can you guess where?
Taking some pictures in front of all the beautiful flowers they had lined in the atrium
A beautiful drive I took the girls on before dinner
Some of the homes on the way
Christy and I loved this initial door wreath! I want to attempt to make one for our front door!
Really I could have just turned that one upside down and made it a M!
The landscaping in this yard was beautiful!
Supper! Loaded Baked Potato Soup and a Toasted Ham and Cheese!
Oh how I love Newk's
If you ever seen one make sure you stop in!
My Girls! I love you both so much!
You make my day!
Lauren Anne
Lauren and Caroline!
Love this picture!
How sweet!
Okay let me just let you known right now this is not my dream car!
While on the beach taking pictures we decided to go to Starbucks and get a surprise! Well people was everywhere... sitting by the side of the road in lawn chairs and on the back of vehicles Christy couldn't get over it...So I rolled my window down in traffic on Hwy 90 and asked a truck load of teenagers what is going on?? They replied "A car show" I hollered across "Are we in a parade" christy being embarrassed rolled the window up and heard them say back to me "NO YOU ARE IN TRAFFIC" Later down the road I asked some boys again what was going on and they said "Scraping the Coast!!" Well guess what, we didn't make it to Starbucks but we did have a few laughs on the way back to the hotel and we could not wait to tell Jamie our story! Scraping the Coast who would have thought that would bring out thousands of people to celebrate?
Almost home! Stopped to get gas and grab a bite to eat!
Thank you God for a safe trip!
Thank you God for traveling mercies!
Thank you God for my wonderful friends and family!
We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs!
7 hours there and 8 bridges later we are home!