Friday, May 27, 2011

Silver Springs!

Caroline's Pre-K field trip to Siver Springs!
Morning didn't start off very good! After an almost car wreck on the way to work and broken glass vases later I made it to school! Little did I know my phone was in the floor board and it was going to get left in my car all day! (I had given out my number to all of my parents in case of an emergency) I didn't realize it was in my car till half way to Bronson!
However I decided on the bus ride I was not going to let it ruin my day with my baby!
I thanked God for protecting me and Caroline and texted Jamie on Connie's phone to let him know my phone was in my car and I enjoyed the day!
Caroline on the world famous "Glass Bottom Boat"
Checking out the fish
The Alligator
Just as Caroline saw the gator she yells "Shoot em! Shoot em!
Can you tell she has watched Swamp People?
Some of the yankees standing around were insulted!
However it made Mrs. Marsha and Mr. Jack crack up!
Can you say stinch?
"They Smell" said Caroline

Taking a boat ride!
Checking out the Bear!
How cool! Eating some corn on the cob
Braley's grandparents spoiled them! Can you tell?
Ice Cream!!
Thank you for the ice cream Mr. Jack and Mrs. Marsha!
Caroline said "Mom look at me I look like Ernie
Walking sticks!

Thank you Mammy and Pappy for spoiling us on our field trip!
We had a great day! Thank you for letting up tag along with you and for giving us a ride home after my morning I am not sure if I could have rode the hot noisy bus home!
Sonny's was delicious too! Glad I didn't get you lost Mrs. Marsha coming home! I sure didn't want to be wrong and have to pay for the gas! lol

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

little Crayons!!

Caroline's End of the Year Program for Pre-K
"Color My World"
It was so cute! Mrs. Christy and Mrs. Wendy went all out with the crayon outfits and color songs. They sang the sweetest Taylor Swift song "Don't you ever grow up"
Caroline, Carsen and Braley singing Taylor Swift
I think I cried the whole song!
It was so innocent and precious!
Time does fly by...
I love this picture of papa and nana!
I just happened to capture them in the corner talking and then to steal a quick kiss!
Jamie has to most precious parents to me! I feel so blessed and luck to have a husband that was raised by them. They set such a great example for how to love your spouse.
Mrs. Christy, Thank you for loving and teaching our baby this year! She loves you and Mrs. Wendy so much! Thank you for all you did for her! xoxo
Caroline loves and looks up to her Big Sister Lauren!
Our Family!
The Martin's
Lauren, Gaga, Franne and Caroline
Caroline with Mrs. Sheree
diploma or telescope?
Proud Girl! Poor baby however has to wait one more year till she gets to go to Kindergarden!
Caroline with her Fake diploma! lol
Hugging her sweet teacher Mrs. Christy!
Sweet babies

Caroline, Carsen, Braley and Kinsey
Hunter, Caroline and Kinsey
singing a color song
Little Bo peep has lost her sheep!
Mrs. Wendy and Caroline!
Little Crayons!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

the capital

Lauren at the museum checking out the logging history that went on in DIXIE COUNTY!
The Crew!
In the Capital waiting on our tour to get started!
The view from the 22nd Floor of our Capital Building
The House of Representatives
Lauren and Christianna with serious faces! lol
The front of the Capital Building

Lauren's 4th Grade field trip was taking charter buses to the Capital in Tallahassee.
It was a lot of fun! I had never been to the Capital on a tour and actually learned a lot.
The 4th Grade had been studying Florida and the different types of government.
One of the projects they had to do was the Florida A to Z Report!
The kids had a lot of fun and the bus ride there made it fun too!
I can't believe my baby if going to be in the 5th grade next year!
So blessed I have a job where I am able to take off and go on field trips with my girls.